An evidence-based approach at the core...
At Jefferson Wells, we adopt an evidence-based approach, which means we work without bias and prioritize the skills and abilities of our candidates. Operating with an evidence-based methodology in recruitment means we not only assess candidates based on their current competencies but also use research and data to predict future performance and potential. Through scientifically validated tools, such as psychological tests and data-driven analyses, we gain a more objective and fair perspective of each candidate. This helps us minimize unconscious bias and make better long-term matches.
… means a competency-based and unbiased process
For a long time, we have used competency-based recruitment as a guiding principle in our methodology. Taking an evidence-based approach takes us one step further, combining our competency-based methods with a data-driven, research-supported process. This ensures that every step in the recruitment process is based on both well-founded assessments and reliable data. It enhances the accuracy and quality of our recruitments.