Extensive presence and security for regions and authorities
We are present in more than 50 locations around Sweden and are a reliable partner for regions and authorities with large geographical responsibilities. Our 7000 employees work according to clear values, where we believe in human potential and value the power of knowledge and innovation. We are proud to maintain high ethical standards as a supplier.
Extensive experience in tender processes and public procurement 
We constantly strive to be a leading supplier that meets the tough requirements to win new framework agreements in the public sector. Over the years, we have built significant knowledge and experience in tender processes, the Public Procurement Act (LOU), and other detailed knowledge required to succeed from tender to delivery.
We have successfully delivered a wide range of services through our won framework agreements and always ensure that we meet the strict rules for recruitment in the public sector. Our consultants have had the privilege of working within both authorities, municipalities, and regions. Together with tender and procurement managers, our business managers have developed effective processes for call-offs and delivery.